ddb-local - Python wrapper for DynamoDBLocal

While working on a Python project, I wanted to write some tests that interact with Amazon DynamoDB.

After a bit of searching, I found that there is an official Local version of DynamoDB. This is cool, I thought. Reading the instruction made me realize, though, that none of the options suit my use case particularly well.

The docker version was technically "standalone" but it was not something I can integrate into a unit test harness easily. The Maven version was the closest to what I was looking for but this was not usable for a Python application.

Finally, the tarball version looked promising but it still had a number of annoyances: First, it had to be downloaded and installed somewhere. And then you'd need to start the database process as part of your test and terminate it properly when your test is done.

What I really wanted was to be able to write something like this:

import pytest
from ddb_local import LocalDynamoDB

# Creates a throw-away database
def local_ddb():
    with LocalDynamoDB() as local_ddb:
        yield local_ddb

# Write a test using the temporary database
def test_with_database(local_ddb):
    ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb",
    # do something with ddb

I couldn't find anything that resembles this, so I decided to roll up my sleeves and write it myself. It took me about a day but I was able to write something presentable. I gave it a very logical name, too: ddb-local.

The library does everything I want - it handles the database installation, and it gives a Python-friendly interface.


One thing you will have to do is to install Java yourself. This is because installing Java is simple for the end users but not for the library.

For example, on Ubuntu 20.04, you can run this command to install the latest Java:

sudo apt install -y openjdk-17-jdk    

Using it in your Python code

To start using it, you can run one of the following commands, depending on your needs:

# Install globally (not recommended), or install inside a virtualenv.
pip install ddb-local
# Install for your user only.
pip install --user ddb-local
# Using pipenv, install as a dev dependency.
pipenv install -d ddb-local

The library handles the installation of the latest Local DynamoDB binary for you. It will also manage the process for you. You can simply use the context manager idiom (i.e., with LocalDynamoDB as ddb) to start the database, and to ensure it shuts down when you are done with it.

Usage Examples


Pytest is a popular testing framework in Python (it's also my favorite framework). Since this was my main motivation, the code I wanted to write works as-is 😉

import pytest
from ddb_local import LocalDynamoDB

# Creates a throw-away database
def local_ddb():
    with LocalDynamoDB() as local_ddb:
        yield local_ddb

# Write a test using the temporary database
def test_with_database(local_ddb):
    ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", 
    # do something with ddb

Basic Persistent Database

import boto3
from ddb_local import LocalDynamoDB

with LocalDynamoDB() as local_ddb:
    # pass the endpoint.
    ddb = boto3.client('dynamodb', endpoint_url=local_ddb.endpoint)

Without a Context Manager

If you can't use it with a context manager, you can also call start() and stop() manually. In this case, it's your responsibility to make sure stop() is called.

from ddb_local import LocalDynamoDB

db = LocalDynamoDB()
print(f"Endpoint is at {db.endpoint}")

Other Escape Hatches

I am a big believer in providing escape hatches in libraries and this library is no exception.

Here are some of the constructor options that also serve as "escape hatches":

  • extra_args: If you'd like to specify an option supported by DynamoDBLocal that is not supported by the library, you can pass it using this argument.
  • unpack_dir: If you'd like to provide your own tarball, you can install the DynamoDBLocal yourself, and the just point to the root of the directory.
  • debug: Pass through the output from the underlying process.
  • port: Use a different port than the default port.


You can find the source code at Github. It's licensed in MIT, so you can use it for whatever purpose you want. It would be nice if you let me know if you found it useful 😀

Catergorized under: programming

Published: 2021-12-21T02:40:50.067375
Last modified: 2021-12-30T19:12:08.655739