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Encrypted MQTT communication using GNU Radio on AWS

This is the guide for an encrypted MQTT data transfer solution for the GNU Radio Software Defined Radio (SDR). Here you will find the design overview, the steps required to implement the solution, verify the implementation completed successfully, as well as operational instructions.

Solution Diagram

This document covers the whole design, which is split into two CloudFormation templates. One for the SDR instance and one for the MQTT broker.

The Mosquitto MQTT broker is deployed in an AWS region using multiple availability zones. The broker is placed in a public subnet, as it needs to communicate with the on-prem mission management software over the Internet using TLS encryption. VPN and Direct Connect were not chosen as they increase the cost of the solution.

TLS is terminated directly on the MQTT broker, forming an encrypted TLS tunnel between MQTT clients and the MQTT broker. TLS is not terminated on the Elastic Load Balancers using Certificate Manager certificates, as this is not supported for the L7 MQTT protocol. This design decision provides end to end encryption and works around some paho-mqtt complexities related to TLS handling. The MQTT broker hosts the certification authority certificate, its own certificate and its own private key. The MQTT clients have access to the same certificate authority certificate. The client uses a username and password to authenticate with the broker over the encrypted TLS tunnel.

Autoscaling is used for the MQTT server deployment. This provides the ability to automatically recover from a failed MQTT server, or failure of an AWS availability zone. Only one MQTT server will be active at a time. As the MQTT broker is starting up it pulls credentials, certificates and keys from AWS Secrets Manager. There is a watchdog script on the Mosquitto broker that restarts the service in the event of an unexpected failure.

Custom MQTT subscriber and publisher blocks have been developed by AWS Professional Services for GNU Radio and placed on the SDR instance. Broker credentials will be pulled securely from AWS Secrets manager. GNU Radio publishes downlinked data to a custom MQTT topic and subscribes to a custom MQTT topic for data to transmit to craft. No TLS encryption is used for the SDR <-> MQTT broker traffic, as this traffic never leaves AWS. The internal network load balancer that the SDR uses to talk to the broker can only be accessed from within the VPCs.

The solution is currently supported in the following AWS regions: Ireland, Stockholm, Bahrain, North Virginia, Ohio, and Oregon.

MQTT broker installation procedure

Installation and configuration are a mix of manual steps and automated deployment using CloudFormation.

The following resources need to be created manually:

  • TLS certificates for MQTT broker and clients

The following resources are created by the CloudFormation template:

  • VPC, 2 Public subnets, Internet gateway, VPC peering connection, Route table entries
  • MQTT credentials secret, certificates and keys in AWS Secrets manager
  • IAM Role for the MQTT broker that allows access to the credentials and TLS certificate in AWS Secrets Manager
  • Broker launch configuration for an Auto Scaling group
  • MQTT broker security group that allows:
    • MQTT over TLS on port 8883 from a specified address range and created VPC
    • MQTT on port 1883 from within the peered VPC
  • Internal network load balancer to route traffic from the SDR instance to the MQTT broker
  • Internet facing network load balancer to route traffic from on-prem to the MQTT broker
  • DNS record linking the domain used in the broker TLS certificate with the DNS name of the public network load balancer

Create a DNS record for the public facing network load balancer

In order to facilitate TLS between the client and broker the broker’s DNS identity must match its certificate. The easiest way to achieve this is with a DNS A record linked to the public load balancer.

You can use Amazon Route 53 to register a domain and a hosted zone for your DNS needs. 

  1. Register a new domain using Amazon Router 53. For example:

  2. Create a public hosted zone for newly registered domain using Amazon Route 53. 

Create the TLS certificates

Here you can find instructions on how to create TLS certificates using openssl. These certificates will create an encrypted connection between the MQTT broker and MQTT client just like the one between a web browser client and a web server.

The broker requires the following certificates:

  • Certification authority (CA) certificate of the CA that has signed the broker certificate
  • CA certificated broker certificate
  • Broker private key

The client requires:

  • CA certificate of the CA that has signed the broker certificate

You can download openssl for free from the internet. The commands below are the same for Windows and Linux. We are going to create our own CA to sign the broker certificate.

Create a key pair for the CA

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048

This key should be password protected.

Create a certificate for the CA using the CA key

openssl req -new -x509 -days 1460 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

This certificate is valid for 4 year.

Create a key pair for the broker

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

Create a certificate request for the broker

In the common name section enter the DNS name that you will link with a record to public network load balancer. For example, in the Create a DNS record for the public facing network load balancer section you created the domain and hosted zone, the common name can be
This will be the static public DNS name of the broker, as the public load balancer is fronting the broker. Should you have to rebuild the stack the certificate will still be valid as it will be linked to a DNS name that is independent of the network load balancer. If you change the DNS name pointing to the public load balancer TLS encryption will fail. As an example you can use mqtt.customer-domain as the record for the public load balancer.

openssl req -new -out server.csr -key server.key

At the end do not send this to an CA as you are the CA.

Use the CA key to sign the broker certificate

openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 365

This certificate is valid for 1 year.

File review

You should have the following files in your folder

  • ca.crt
  • ca.key
  • server.crt
  • server.csr
  • server.key

You will use ca.crt, server.crt and server.key as inputs to the MQTT broker CloudFormation template. The values of these files will be securely stored in AWS Secrets Manager. The CloudFormation template will give the MQTT broker permissions to access these values.

Keep these files safe. The ca.key is used to create new certificates.

Client configuration

Your client will need the ca.crt file to establish a TLS connection with the broker. When using the paho mqtt library use the client method tls_set(). Call It before calling the connect() method.

client.tls\_set(ca\_certs=&lt;path-to-ca.crt&gt;’, tls\_version=2)

Create the CloudFormation stack

Create a new CloudFormation stack using the mqtt-broker YAML template. Guidance for each of the parameters is provider below. This template is to be deployed in the Ohio region.

Network Parameters

  • VpcCidr: The CIDR range of the broker VPC. Must not overlap with the SDR VPC CIDR range.
  • PeerVpcId: The ID of the SDR VPC.
  • PeerVpcRegion: The AWS region of the SDR VPC
  • PeerVpcCIDRRange: The CIDR range of the peering SDR VPC

EC2 MQTT Broker Parameters

  • InstanceType: Do not change this
  • MQTTCidrBlock: The CIDR Block that the security group will allow MQTT over TLS access to the broker.
  • MQTTUsername: The username used by the MQTT clients to connect to the broker
  • MQTT Password: The password used by the MQTT clients to connect to the broker
  • CaCertitificateValue: The CA certificate of the CA. Only the value between the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- tags.
  • ServerCertificateValue: The server certificate of the MQTT server. Only the value between the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- tags.
  • ServerKeyValue: The server key of the MQTT server. Only the value between the -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- tags.
  • DomainName: Must match the common name of the broker TLS certificate. Domain name record associated with the TLS certificate to be assigned to the public Network Load Balacer.

The CloudFormation stack will complete fairly quickly and then spin up the first EC2 Mosquitto MQTT broker instance as part of the autoscaling group. The instance will install the need software and reboot to finish the configuration. To check for any errors on the EC2 instance, use Session Manager to connect to the instance and run the command below.

cat /var/log/user-data.log

Verifying the installation completed successfully

After completing the installation procedure follow the steps in this section to confirm everything installed correctly. You will use the mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub tools part of the Mosquitto installation to test access to the broker from on-prem. Only IPs from the MQTTCidrBlock CloudFormation parameter will be able to perform these tests.

  • Download and install the Mosquitto client programs for your system

  • You need the CA certificate file (ca.crt) on the test machine

  • Subscribe to the downlink topic in the broker using the command in a terminal:

    • mosquitto_sub -h <DNS A record in front of public load balancer> -u <MQTTUsername> -P <MQTTPassword> --cafile <path to ca.crt> -p 8883 -t downlink -d
  • Publish to the downlink topic using the command in a separate terminal:

    • mosquitto_pub -h <DNS A record in front of public load balancer> -u <MQTTUsername> -P <MQTTPassword> --cafile <path to ca.crt> -p 8883 -t downlink -d -m “Hello from GNU Radio”
  • You should see the message pop up in the first terminal

  • If it does not then follow the debug out and check the following:

    • Status of MQTT broker in the EC2 console

    • The security group of the MQTT broker. Check that you’ve entered the correct IP ranges.

    • If you’re getting a TLS error verify that the certificate on the broker has the same CN (common name) at its DNS name. Use openssl to get the certificate and compare the CN to the address that you connected to. They must be the same. After the certificates, under the heading Server certificate check the CN of the subject.

      •  openssl s_client -connect <DNS A record in front of public load balancer>:8883 -showcert
    • Status of the MQTT service on the broker. Log into the broker and run:

      • systemctl status mosquitto 
    • If the mosquitto service is running, but you still cannot connect then stop the service and run it manually to get access to more debugging information

      • sudo systemctl stop mosquitto
      • mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf -v

GNU Radio SDR installation procedure

Installation and configuration is automated using CloudFormation and a number of scripts which are executed within the user-data section of the EC2 instances created by CloudFormation.

The following resources are created by the CloudFormation template:

  • GNU Radio EC2 instance
  • VPC peering connection between the MQTT broker VPC and SDR VPC
  • IAM Role for the GNU Radio EC2 instance that allows access to the MQTT credentials AWS Secrets Manager
  • GNU Radio EC2 security group that allows:
    • SSH traffic on port 22 from specified IP range

During the installation, files are downloaded from an AWS-managed S3 bucket.

Create the CloudFormation stack

Create a new CloudFormation stack using the gnu-radio YAML template. Guidance for each of the parameters is provider below.

General Parameters

  • NotificationEmail: An email address to receive notifications
  • OsPassword: Enter a password without any special characters. This will be set for the ubuntu user on the GNU Radio instance. Avoid using characters in the password which are not CLI friendly such as spaces, !$# etc.

EC2 Instance Parameters

  • SSHCidrBlock: An IP range/address which will have access to SSH on the EC2 servers. e.g. or
  • SSHKeyName: The name of an SSH key to use when connecting to the EC2 instances
  • VpcId: Id of VPC to place the EC2 instances
  • SubnetId: Id of Subnet to place the EC2 instances
  • SdrInstanceType: Select the instance type you would like to use (c5.4xlarge is usually sufficient)

VPC Peering

  • VpcPeeringConnectionID: The ID of the VPC peering connection between the MQTT broker and SDR VPCs – available as an output from the MQTT CFN template
  • PeerVpcCidrRange: The CIDR range of the peering MQTT broker VPC – available as an output from the MQTT CFN template
  • PeerVpcRouteTableId: The ID of the route table associated with the SDR subnet – can be found under the VPC service

MQTT Parameters

  • MqttDownlinkTopic: GNU Radio will publish downlinked data to this topic
  • MqttUplinkTopic: GNU Radio will publish downlinked data to this topic
  • MqttQos: Desired MQTT Quality of Service (QoS)
  • MqttBrokerDNSName: The DNS name of the mqtt broker private load balancer - available as an output from the MQTT CFN template
  • MqttBrokerCredentialsName: The name of the MQTT broker credentials stored in AWS Secrets Manager - available as an output from the MQTT CFN template
  • MqttBrokerCredentialsRegion: The AWS region where the MQTT broker credentials are stored in AWS Secrets Manager - available as an output from the MQTT CFN template
  • MqttBrokerCredentialsARN: The ARN of the MQTT broker credentials - available as an output from the MQTT CFN template

Important Note: During the creation of the CloudFormation stack, an email will be sent to the address specified in the “NotificationEmail” parameter. Ensure that you open the email and click the link to confirm subscription. If this step is not done, important notification emails will not be sent.

The CloudFormation stack will complete fairly quickly and then leave further installation processes running on the EC2 instance. To check progress on the EC2 instance, ssh to the instance and run the command below.

tail -F /var/log/user-data.log

An email is sent to the provided email address when the GNU Radio installation has completed on the EC2 instance. It should take about 45 minutes.

Verify the installation completed successfully

After receiving the SNS email which confirms the installation completed on the GNU Radio EC2 instances, follow the steps in this section to confirm everything is installed correctly.

  1. Start the EC2 instance
  2. Connect to the EC2 instance using VNC, using the instructions in the “Connecting to the GNU Radio instance using VNC” section of this document
  3. Check the /var/log/user-data.log file for errors using the command
    cat /var/log/user-data.log | more
  4. Check that GNU Radio Companion (GRC) runs ok by opening a terminal and typing ./s, this is a small batch file that configures the GNU Radio environment then opens the GRC application.
  5. To verify the connection between the GNU Radio and the MQTT broker use the mqtt_tester.grc recipe located in /home/ubuntu/sdr/recipes/. You will need to change the variables to match your configuration. You can find the parameters for your configuration in /home/ubuntu/sdr/aws-grautorun.json.
  6. Use the mosquitto_sub client to test end to end connectivity. On a machine that can connect to the broker subscribe to a topic using the instruction in section 5.0 then run the mqtt_tester.grc recipe with the appropriate parameters. Make sure the topics match. You should see the message sent from GNU Radio on the terminal of your machine.

Important Note: If you are unable to run the mqtt_tester.grc recipe this is caused by the way GNU Radio instantiates blocks in a GUI flowgraph. Everything in the __init__ method of a block in a GUI recipe GNU Radio tries to run when you open the recipe not when you run it. However, parameters and variables are only passed to the block when the recipe is run. Therefore, the block tries to instantiate itself with the default parameters and getting the MQTT credentials is in the __init__ part of the block, so it tries to do it with the secret_name=”MqttCredentials” and region_name=”eu-west-1”, which is most likely not the config for your secret. To fix this you have to change the default parameters in the python code of the mqtt publish and subscribe blocks. On the mqtt_tester GUI GNU Radio recipe double click on the mqtt publish block and click the open python code box at the top. In the __init__ method show below change the default secret_name and region_name variable to reflect those for your MQTT secret.

Save the file and repeat for the mqtt subscribe block. The error should be resolved.

Connecting to the GNU Radio instance using VNC

To test GNU Radio or edit flowgraphs, GNU Radio Companion (GRC) is used.

GRC needs a graphical user environment to run correctly. VNC is used to connect to the Ubuntu desktop environment running on the EC2 instance.

It is recommended that TIger VNC is used as this has been reliable in testing so far.

VNC Connection - Linux / Mac

  • Run the command below to connect to the EC2 instance using SSH and tunnel the VNC traffic over the SSH session.

    ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -i <path to pem file> ubuntu@<public ip address of EC2 instance>
  • Open the Tiger VNC Client application on your PC and connect to ‘localhost:1’

  • When prompted, enter the os password you provided to the CloudFormation template in the earlier step

VNC Connection - Windows

  1. Download the open source ssh client Putty from here
  2. Open Putty and enter the public IP of the EC2 instance in the Session->Host Name (or IP Address) field.
  3. Enter ‘ubuntu’ in Connection->Data-> Auto-login username
  4. In Connection->SSH->Auth, browse to the correct PPK key file (private SSH key) for the EC2 instance
  5. In Connection->SSH->Tunnels, enter 5901 in Source port, enter localhost:5901 in Destination, click Add
  6. Click Session, enter a friendly name in Save Sessions, then click Save
  7. Click Open to open the tunneled SSH session
  8. Open the Tiger VNC Client application on your PC and connect to ‘localhost:1’
  9. When prompted, enter the os password you provided to the CloudFormation template in the earlier step


Encrypted MQTT using GNU Radio on AWS



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