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Redshift ETL Framework for Data Lakes and Warehouses

A lightweight and config driven ETL (extract, transform, load) framework to perform ETL, ELT and ELTL operations on data lakes using Amazon Redshift


  • Full table refresh on data lake tables
  • Partition level refresh on data lake tables
  • Supports ETL, ELT, and ELTL techniques
  • Config driven ETL framework

Built with

  • Amazon Redshift
  • Amazon Lambda
  • Amazon Athena


  • Download the code repository
  • Connect to your Redshift cluster
  • Run framework/redshift/setup/initial_setup.sql (provide valid values for etl.config records)
  • Create a Lambda function, athena-msck-table-repair, by using the framework/lambda/
  • Run framework/redshift/udf/*.sql scripts to create framework UDFs (replace <your_account_id> with your account id)
  • Run framework/redshift/sp/*.sql scripts to create framework stored procedures


You can use the framework for :

1 - Extract and ingest data from data lake source tables

2 - Merge (update and inserts) and Load data to data lake target tables

Extact and Ingest :

call etl.sp_ingest(<config>); 

Merge and Load :

call etl.sp_merge(<config>); 

Config Parameter

Config parameter is a json string which contains a set of parameters and their values to perform the ETL operations

Extract and Ingest (copy from data lake to Redshift)

    "source": {
        "schema_name": "....",
        "table_name": "....",
        "column_names": "....",
        "custom_where_sql": "...."
    "ingest": {
        "schema_name": "....",
        "table_name": "...."
Key Sub Key Description Type
source A data lake table where you want to extract data Required
schema_name Redshift External schema where the source table exists Optional (*)
table_name Redshift External table where pointing to the source data Required
column_names The source table column names you want to extract Optional
custom_where_sql A custom WHERE clause to filter the source data when needed Optional
ingest A Redshift internal table to copy the source data from the datalake Required
schema_name Redshift internal schema where the ingest table exists Optional (*)
table_name Redshift internal table to ingest the data into Required

Notes :

(*) These parameters are optional if there is an entry added into etl.config table for them, otherwise they are required.

Merge and Load (write back to data lake)

    "target": {
        "schema_name": "....",
        "table_name": "....",
        "partition_registration": "...."
    "delta": {
        "schema_name": "....",
        "table_name": "...."
    "staging": {
        "schema_name": "....",
        "table_name": "....",
        "refresh_type": "...."
    "upsert": {
        "type": "....",
        "keys": "...."
Key Sub Key Description Type Valid Values
target A data lake table where you want to load the data
schema_name Redshift external schema where the target table exists Optional (*)
table_name Redshift external table which points the target data Required
partition_registration New data lake table partition registration method (**) Optional msck (**)
delta A Redshift internal table to prepare a delta dataset to merge into staging or target table
schema_name Redshift internal schema where the delta table exists Optional (*)
table_name Redshift internal table to store the delta data Optional (1)
staging A Redshift internal table to perform upserts using delta
schema_name Redshift internal schema where the staging table exists Optional (*)
table_name Redshift internal table to ingest the data into Optional (2)
refresh_type How to refresh the staging data.
If value = reload, the framework reloads the data from target table partitions before performing the upsert
Optional reload
upsert A Redshift internal table to copy the source data from the datalake Required
type How to perform the merge operation
- pk : Use the primary key of the table
- keys : Use the provided columns as the merge keys
- all : truncate and repopulate the staging from delta
Optional pk (**)
keys List of merge column names separated by comma
This works only when upsert.type = keys

Notes :

(*) Optional if there is an entry in etl.config table for it, otherwise it is required
(**) Default value
(1) Default value is <target_table_name>_delta
(2) Default value is <target_table_name>_stg

Config Examples for Merge and Load (write back to data lake)

1- Perform UPSERT on a data lake table using delta


Usage Notes :

  • The framework can perform UPSERT on both non-partitioned or partitioned data lake tables.
  • For full target table refresh, just populate the delta with complete table data.
  • For partitioned tables, the new partition will be registered by running MSCK TABLE REPAIR command on Athena. This might be a heavy operation on very large tables. For very large tables consider to use Spectrum technique by adding this to your config :
  • If you don't provide parameters for staging
    • the stating schema name could be taken from etl.config table
    • the staging table name can have default value as <target_table_name>_stg

2- Reload Staging before performing UPSERT

This could be needed in your ETL if there is another process which makes data changes in your target table

To reload the staging partitions (or full table for non-partitoned tables) add this config item :


3- To perform the Merge using specified columns

If your table does not have a Primary Key you can specify the merge columns to be used during the merge (upsert)

To use specified columns in the merge add this config item :

       "keys":"o_orderkey, o_orderline_number"

4- To perform a full refresh from delta

If you don't want to use table does not have a Primary Key you can specify the merge columns to be used during the merge (upsert)

To use specified columns in the merge add this config item :

       "keys":"o_orderkey, o_orderline_number"


Can I use the framework if my target table is a Redshift table not a data lake table?

Yes you can. To do that ;

  • Set your target schema to internal schema
  • Set your target table as an internal table
  • The staging table settings will be ignored so no need to set the staging.

Example :


This will merge the delta to your internal target table

How do I call the framework stored procedures?

You need a tool to establish a connection to Redshift and execute SQL statements. This tool could be ;

  • AWS Step Functions
  • AWS Lambda
  • Command line tools like rsql and psql
  • Any orchestration or scheduling tools that can establish a connection to Redshift
  • Any tools that can use Redshift Data API




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