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Resilient Applications with DynamoDB Global Tables

This repository has sample code demonstrating how to build a resilient multi-region application with DynamoDB Global Tables as the data store.


This repository aims to demonstrate the basic building blocks of a simple multi-region application designed for high levels of resilience. The architecture is robust, but it does not include production levels of observability, focusing instead only on the most interesting metrics. In terms of the Well-Architected Framework:

  • Operational Excellence. The design benefits from heavy use of serverless technology, which reduces operational overhead. It touches on, but does not fully explore, the use of runbooks and chaos engineering to test resilience.
  • Security. The architecture uses properly scoped security policies at the infrastructure level. However, it doesn't consider the separation of duties of developers versus operations teams, or provide multiple environments for testing purposes. It uses default encryption options where applicable.
  • Reliability. The architecture focuses mostly on this pillar. The application is deployed into two regions with a highly resilient failover control. The use of serverless technologies takes away some of the concern about reliability under heavy load, although more could be done in the area of load shedding and other protections.
  • Performance Efficiency. Deploying the application into two regions helps with performance for a distributed user base, which is often a secondary goal of multi-region patterns. The included observability metrics also focus on some aspects of the user experience in a distributed environment.
  • Cost Optimization. The application benefits from using serverless technologies that meter primarily based on usage. With the exception of the failover routing controls, there is little fixed cost in the design.
  • Sustainability. Using serverless technologies benefits this pillar as well, in the sense that we have few always-on resources consuming energy.

In the rest of this repository, we'll try to point out areas for improvement that fall outside the scope of the sample code.


This repository uses CloudFormation as the deployment mechanism for two reasons. First, CloudFormation is simple to use and available to every AWS user. Second, some of the supporting AWS services we use, like Resilience Hub, can easily work with CloudFormation.

However, if you were building a production application, you would likely use a CI/CD deployment pipeline. There are many good choices for multi-region deployment pipelines, including Code Pipeline and open-source solutions like Spinnaker. The pipeline could include security scanning, unit testing, and other useful steps outside the scope of this example. You might also choose to use a different infrastructure-as-code solution. The CDK lets you replace a lot of boilerplate CloudFormation template code with simple declarative programming.

The repository is built around three main modules:

  • CloudFormation templates to deploy the application itself into two regions.
  • CloudFormation templates to deply Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (ARC) for mult-region routing and failover.
  • CloudFormation template to deploy a simple serverless testing program into two regions.


The basic application has a simple design. It consists of an API Gateway, Lambda functions that implement RESTful API methods, and a set of DynamoDB Global Tables for persistence. Route 53 provides cross-region routing, and Application Recovery Controller inserts routing controls that we can use to shut off traffic to a region if necessary.

Basic architecture

The schema has three tables that store customers, products, and orders. The REST API has methods to create and read orders, and also to populate the database with sample data.


We also deploy CloudWatch Synthetics canaries in both application regions and in a third observer region.



You need a hosted zone registered in Amazon Route 53. This is used for defining the domain name of your API endpoint, for example, You can use a third-party domain name registrar and then configure the DNS in Amazon Route 53, or you can purchase a domain directly from Amazon Route 53.

The instructions use the AWS CLI rather than the console for consistency. The console changes frequently and screenshots are usually out of date within weeks, whereas the CLI is stable. We also use the Python SDK, so make sure you have Python installed, along with the boto3 module.

You will need an AWS account and a user or role in that account with permission to create resources in several AWS services:

  • DynamoDB
  • IAM
  • Lambda
  • API Gateway
  • Route 53
  • S3

The instructions also refer to using Postman to test REST API calls. Postman is free for the type of usage required here, but you can substitute another tool of your choice, or simply issue API calls using a programming language. Since the APIs we call require the use of the SIGv4 signing process, you should use a tool or language that supports this signing process directly.

Finally, you'll need Docker installed on your workstation.

Going forward, we will refer to inputs you need to provide in ALL CAPS. This will include the names of S3 buckets and your domain name.


We'll build out the application in several stages, starting with deploying the application into each region, and then adding multi-region routing and a test program.

Region Selection

You need to pick two AWS regions to use. The CloudFormation templates provide us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-2, and eu-west-1 as options. However, any AWS region that supports the services used in this example should work.

You'll also pick a third region to use for synthetic monitoring.

Going forward, we'll refer to these regions as REGION1 and REGION2 and REGION3.

Make sure that you set up the AWS CLI, and add a profile for each region. Activate the profile for REGION1.



We need to create an S3 bucket in each region. We'll use S3 server-side encryption (SSE) and versioning. You'll need to choose the names of the buckets, which we'll refer to as BUCKET1 and BUCKET2 and BUCKET3.

For convenience, we've provided a script that creates buckets. Execute these commands:

python ./scripts/ --name BUCKET1 --region REGION1
python ./scripts/ --name BUCKET2 --region REGION2
python ./scripts/ --name BUCKET3 --region REGION3


We'll use two Lambda layers. The first contains the ULID package.

mkdir ulid
cd ulid
pip install ulid-py -t ./python
zip -r python
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET1/lambda/
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET2/lambda/
cd ..

The second layer contains a SIGv4a signing library. SIGv4a allows us to create requests signed for multiple regions.


cd auth
docker build -t amzlinuxpy37 .
docker run -it amzlinuxpy37 bash

This starts a shell inside the container. In that shell, run:

mkdir layer
cd layer
sudo yum install -y wget
pip3 install requests -t ./python
pip3 install awscrt -t ./python
pip3 install boto3 botocore -t ./python
mv python
zip -r python

In another terminal, find the ID of the running Docker container:

docker ps

Now copy the zip file to your local machine:

docker cp <container ID>:/layer/ .
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET1/lambda/
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET2/lambda/
cd ..

At this point you can exit the shell in the running container.

Canary script

Upload the canary script to each bucket.

mkdir canary
cd canary
pip install --target ./python aws-requests-auth
cp ../test/ python/
zip -r python
cd ..

aws s3 cp canary/ s3://BUCKET1/canary/
aws s3 cp canary/ s3://BUCKET2/canary/
aws s3 cp canary/ s3://BUCKET3/canary/

Deploy application in first region

You can choose any name for the CloudFormation stack. We'll refer to this as STACK, and for simplicity we'll use the same name in both regions.

We'll refer to your domain name as DOMAIN.

Next, deploy the CloudFormation template for the basic application stack in the first region:

./scripts/ \
    STACK \
    BUCKET1 \
    REGION1 \
    REGION1 \
    REGION2 \

Wait for this stack to complete before moving on.

Deploy application in second region

./scripts/ \
    STACK \
    BUCKET2 \
    REGION2 \
    REGION1 \
    REGION1 \

Wait for this stack to complete before moving on.

Updating the applications

If you need to update either stack, simply re-run the script with the --update argument as the last option.

If you update the Lambda functions in the stacks after the initial deployment, you'll need to redeploy the API Gateway stage manually.

Test the deployment

The CloudFormation stacks output several useful pieces of information. You can obtain these by running:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name STACK | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[]'
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name STACK --region REGION2 | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[]'

For convenience, the file test/resilient-dynamo.postman_collection.json has several methods you can use to exercise the API. Open this file in your favorite text editor, and go to the section called variables starting on line 587. Enter values for each variable:

  • access_key - Use your own AWS access key for your account. We use this to authorize calls to the API Gateway endpoints.
  • secret_key - Use your own AWS secret key for your account. We use this to authorize calls to the API Gateway endpoints.
  • region1 - Enter the name for your first region, e.g. us-west-2
  • region2 - Enter the name for your second region, e.g. us-east-1
  • base_url - Enter the name for your API endpoint in the first region. You can get this from the ApiUrl output of the CloudFormation stack in the first region. Omit the https:// part of the ApiUrl output.
  • base_url_r2 - Enter the name for your API endpoint in the second region. You can get this from the ApiUrl output of the CloudFormation stack in the second region. Omit the https:// part of the ApiUrl output.
  • base_url_domain - Enter your personal domain name followed by /v1, e.g.

If you use temporary credentials for your AWS account, you should also configure the Session Token in the Authorization section.

Download and install the Postman client for your workstation. Once you have it installed, import the sample methods in test/resilient-dynamo.postman_collection.json.

Now you can execute several of the included methods to test that the application is working in both regions.

  • r1-fill: This method populates the tables with example customers and products. The parameters cust and product determine how many of each are created. Execute this method and take note of the output, which includes the customer and product IDs. Leave the parameter order set to 0.
  • r1-create: Once you have sample customers and products, execute this method to create an order. Set the parameter customerId to one of the customer IDs created in the previous method, and set the productId parameter to one of the example product IDs. Set the orderId to any unique value.
  • r1-read: You can now retrieve the order you just made. Set the parameters orderId and productId to the values you used in the previous method.
  • r2-read: This method retrieves the order by issuing a call to the application in the second region.

Set up global routing

Now we'll run three scripts to configure DNS and the ARC health check. We pass in the name of the application stack as these scripts interrogate the output values. For the final script, we also pass in our domain name and hosted zone ID. You can find the hosted zone ID by running:

aws route53 list-hosted-zones

Look for the hosted zone that aligns to your domain name, and look for the ID. The ID is of the form:

/hostedzone/<hosted zone ID>

Once you have this information, run:

cd r53/scripts

Wait for this stack to complete before moving on.


Wait for this stack to complete before moving on.


Wait for this stack to complete before moving on.

The DNS methodology for API Gateway is based on this blog, and requires that you own a domain registered in Route 53.

The routing controls are off by default. We'll turn them on using the CLI. While you can use the console, it's more reliable to use one of the five regional endpoints instead. That way, you can still change the state of the routing controls even if one region is offline.

In the next command we'll need the ClusterArn and ControlPanelArn outputs of the stack called Route53ARC-RoutingControl. You can retrieve these by running:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name Route53ARC-RoutingControl | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[]'

Now we can run:

aws route53-recovery-control-config describe-cluster --cluster-arn <cluster ARN>

Note the five endpoints listed in the output. Pick any one and now run:

aws route53-recovery-cluster list-routing-controls --control-panel-arn <control panel ARN> --region <endpoint region> --endpoint-url <endpoint URL>

On initial deployment, both routing controls are off. Let's turn them on:

aws route53-recovery-cluster update-routing-control-states \
			--update-routing-control-state-entries \
			'[{"RoutingControlArn": "<control ARN from previous output>",
			"RoutingControlState": "On"}, \
			{"RoutingControlArn": "<second control ARN from previous output>",
			"RoutingControlState": "On"}]' \
			--region <endpoint region> \
			--endpoint-url <endpoint URL>

Test the Route 53 endpoint

Now you can use Postman to test the Route 53 endpoint. You can use the methods r53-fill, r53-create, and r53-read to exercise the application via the Route 53 DNS entry. These methods work the same as the ones we used earlier to test the application in a single region.


There's a canned CloudWatch dashboard called DynamoDB-Metrics-<region name> available in both regions. The dashboard has charts showing replication latency, operation latency, observed client latency, and request counts. We'll use these dashboards later on to evaluate the results of some testing. You will not see data in this dashboard until you start sending traffic into the API endpoints.


We can now deploy the canary in both application regions and the observer region. In the following arguments, you can retrieve the regional API names from the CloudFormation output called ApiId from the application stack in each region. The productId and orderId arguments should be an existing order ID and the associated product ID. The canaries use these to execute a GET operation for an order. In a more realistic example, you might have a dedicated health check method in the application, or a dedicated test data set. Finally, the last argument is your personal domain name followed by /v1, e.g.

./scripts/ \
    BUCKET1 \
    BUCKET2 \
    BUCKET3 \
    REGION1 \
    REGION2 \
    REGION3 \
    <api name in first region> \
    <api name in second region> \
    <api stage name> \
    <sample product ID> \
    <sample order ID> \

Wait for this stack to complete before moving on.

Deploying test application

We'll now deploy a simple testing application that can invoke our API endpoints. Choose a stack name, then run:

./scripts/ \
    BUCKET1 \
    BUCKET2 \
    REGION1 \

Wait for this stack to complete before moving on.


Measuring latency and failover time

To begin, we'll use the test application to generate some orders. The test application will first create some example customers and products, then execute at most one order at a time, with a one second interval before executing another one. It's meant to emulate a low but steady rate of requests coming in to both regions.

Run this helper script to invoke the test application in both regions.

./scripts/ \
    REGION1 \
    REGION2 \
    DOMAIN \
    600 \
    300 \
    <ARC endpoint region> \
    <ARC endpoint URL> \
    <control ARN for first region from previous ARC output> \
    <control ARN for second region from previous ARC output>

The script will print out the approximately time the test began in both regions. It will then sleep for a time interval of 5 minutes before switching the routing control in one region to OFF.

By executing 600 orders, we're making sure that the order flow continues for at least 10 minutes. That gives us time to use ARC to disable traffic to one region, and measure how long it takes traffic to fail over.

After the test is over, open the CloudWatch dashboard for each region. Zoom in to the past 30 minutes and observe:

  • The time to failover is about one minute. We look at the RequestCounts chart and note that requests in the region where the routing control is off started to direct to another region. This is approximately the RTO for clients who need to switch endpoints.
  • Replication latency for orders is between 600-1200 ms. This is approximately the RPO.
  • Operation latency is about 5-20 ms in the same region.


The most significant cost for this sample comes from the ARC control plane, which will cost $2.50 per hour or $60 per day. The CloudWatch canaries will cost $0.36 per hour or about $8.70 per day.

The API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB resources used will often fall within the free tier, as these services are metered in the millions of requests.


In order to clean up the resources deployed by this sample, you must delete all of the CloudFormation stacks created in the three regions.

  • Observability region: Delete the stack that deployed the canaries.
  • Second region
    • Delete the canary stack
    • Delete the test stack
    • Delete the application stack
  • First region
    • Delete the canary stack
    • Delete the test stack
    • Delete the Route 53 ARC stacks
    • Delete the application stack

Appendix: DynamoDB Point-in-time Recovery

Point-in-time recovery protects DynamoDB tables from accidental write or delete operations, allowing you to recover from a point-in-time within 35 days. You can enable this feature on each local replica of a global table. When you restore the table, the backup restores to an independent table that is not part of the global table. If you are using Version 2019.11.21, or greater of global tables, you can create a new global table from the restored table. For more information, see Global tables: How it works or CloudFormation Point-in-time Reocvery Specification

Appendix: ULID

We use (but do not distribute) this Python ULID library:


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


No description, website, or topics provided.



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