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IoT Analytics - Amazon Athena - Amazon DynamoDB

IoT Analytics Solution - Cover

Repository of artifacts for the solution proposed on Blog Post Writing results from an Athena query output to Amazon DynamoDB.

The solution presents a reference architecture to analyze electricity data from smart meters, for maintenance purposes of a hypothetical Energy company, and for self-service analysis of customers, to understand how much electricity they consume.


To deploy and use this solution, you should have the following:

đź“ť NOTE:
When creating the EC2 environment, you can choose to connect to the instance using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.
This approach offers two key benefits:

  • No requirement to open inbound ports for the instance.
  • Option to launch the instance into a public or private subnet.

For more information, visit the page Accessing no-ingress EC2 instances with AWS Systems Manager

  • A basic understanding of bash, Python programing and SQL statements.

Deploy the solution

NOTE: the current versions of some needed tools deployed with the AWS Cloud9 environment are outdated and won’t be able to fully address the installation process. You need the following versions of mentioned tools to work properly:

  • AWS CLI version 2
  • AWS SAM CLI version 1.60.0 or above

To properly install the solution, do the following in this environment:

To deploy the AWS SAM-based solution, make sure you completed the previous prerequisites. Then follow these steps:

  1. On the AWS Cloud9 console, select the environment you created previously and choose Open IDE.
  2. In the IDE window opened, click on the AWS Cloud9 icon in the top menu bar and select Preferences.

AWS Cloud9 preferences

  1. In the opened tab, choose AWS Settings at the left panel. In the section Credentials, turn off the option AWS managed temporary credentials.

AWS CLoud9 AWS temp credentials

  1. Close the Preferences tab and, in the console panel, click on the “+” sign and choose New Terminal.

AWS Cloud9 open new terminal

AWS Cloud9 new terminal

  1. In the opened terminal window, run the following AWS CLI command, to configure the credentials of the IAM user created for this installation, with the needed privileges:
aws configure

In the prompts showed during the configuration, fill them with these values:

  • AWS Access Key ID: enter your IAM user access key
  • AWS Secret Access Key: enter your IAM user secret access key
  • Default region name: enter the same AWS Region of the AWS Cloud9 environment used
  • Default output format: press <ENTER>
  1. Clone the solution artifacts from this GitHub repo:
git clone
  1. Move to the bash scripts directory:
cd ./iot-analytics-athena-ddb/scripts/bash
  1. Run the following bash script, to deploy and setup the solution:

The content of this script can be visualized in this link. During the deployment process, this script will ask you to insert or confirm some configuration parameters. Fill them with these values:

  • Stack Name [sam-iot-analytics]: press <ENTER>
  • AWS Region: press <ENTER> (the deployment will use the same AWS Region of the AWS Cloud9 environment used)
  • Confirm changes before deploy [y/N]: N
  • Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]: Y
  • Disable rollback [y/N]: N
  • Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: Y
  • SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]: press <ENTER>
  • SAM configuration environment [default]: press <ENTER>

When the deployment finishes, an AWS CloudFormation stack is created. Open this service in the AWS Management Console and select the stack named sam-iot-analytics. Then, select the Resources tab, like in the below example:

AWS CloudFormation (SAM) stack

The above stack creates several resources used by this solution, which are described in the Blog Post.


This AWS SAM application builds and deploy two AWS Lambda functions, needed to automate this IoT analytical solution:

  1. One function called fn-run-athena-query, that runs an Amazon Athena query to summarize the electricity meter data uploaded to S3 bucket iot-analytic-bucket-{AWS Account ID}-{AWS Region}. You can see the code for this function in this link. It is triggered by an Amazon EventBridge rule, named RunAthenaQuerySchedule, defined with type “Event Schedule”:

Lambda function fn-run-athena-query event bridge

Notice this rule is disabled for simulation purposes, to test the solution. In a regular operation, this rule triggers the Lambda function to run every day at 03h30 UTC, or 00h30 GMT-3, in the local time zone tested:

Lambda function fn-run-athena-query event bridge schedule

This Lambda function has two Environment variables configured:

  • One called ev_athena_output_location, which receives the value of the S3 URI location of the bucket that receives the outputs of Athena queries.
  • Another called ev_date_run, which receives the date of electricity metered data to process, in the format YYYY/MM/DD. If the value received is “0000/00/00”, it means the Lambda function was triggered by EventBridge rule RunAthenaQuerySchedule, and the date processed will be the day before the triggering of this Lambda function. You can verify the value of these variables in the Configuration tab for this function, at the Lambda console:

Lambda function fn-run-athena-query environment variables

During the simulation, this Lambda function will generate files being stored in S3 bucket iot-athena-results-{AWS Account ID}-{AWS Region}. To verify these files content, do the following:

  • Open a new tab on the S3 console, to verify the content of bucket iot-athena-results-{AWS Account ID}-{AWS Region}. Select the Objects tab. Confirm the creation of the prefix electricity_by_period/:

S3 query output prefix

  • Still in the S3 console tab, select the prefix electricity_by_period/ in the objects list and see its content. Verify there are several files in it, with extensions .metadata and .csv:

S3 query output files

These CSV files contain the results of the Athena queries run by Lambda function fn-run-athena-query, invoked by the bash script These specific outputs were generated by queries returning consumed energy data by customer, grouped by hour, month and day-of-month.

  • Download one of these CSV files and open it with an editor. An excerpt from its content will look like this one:

In this case, it’s an output with data grouped by hour.

  1. Another function called fn-write-athena-output-to-ddb, that will read the output of an Athena query - which is written to S3 bucket iot-athena-results-{AWS Account ID}-{AWS Region}, as a CSV file - and will write each line of this file as an item into Amazon DynamoDB table ElectricityMeteredByPeriod. You can see the code for this function in this link.

Getting statistics with PartiQL

Every time a new query output CSV file is generated in bucket iot-athena-results-{AWS Account ID}-{AWS Region}, the Lambda function fn-write-athena-output-to-ddb is triggered, writing the content of the query output CSV file to DynamoDB table ElectricityMeteredByPeriod.

In this table, you have consumed energy data by customer, grouped by hour, month and day-of-month. With this approach, aggregated data can be accessed by different queries as required, so users can see their readings by hour, day or month in a dashboard, having efficient queries instead of having to aggregate the data every time they access the dashboards.

As an example, we can run PartiQL queries to simulate statistics a customer or the Energy company can obtain from consumed energy in specific periods.

Let's run one query, as an example:

  1. Go to the DynamoDB console.
  2. In the left panel menu, select PartiQL editor.
  3. In the editor, write the following query:
SELECT "CustomerID", "SensorID-Period", "kWh-Amount"
	FROM "ElectricityMeteredByPeriod" 
    WHERE "CustomerID" = 10027610
      AND "SensorID-Period" BETWEEN '51246501#2022-01-05T18' AND '51246501#2022-01-05T23'

The above query returns the hourly kWh consumed by customer with ID 10027610, on 2022-01-05, from 6h00 PM until 11h00 PM:

The obtained result should be similar to the below screenshot:

CustomerID	SensorID-Period	        kWh-Amount
----------  ----------------------  ----------
10027610	51246501#2022-01-05T18	0.28
10027610	51246501#2022-01-05T19	0.29
10027610	51246501#2022-01-05T20	0.3
10027610	51246501#2022-01-05T21	0.3
10027610	51246501#2022-01-05T22	0.29
10027610	51246501#2022-01-05T23	0.27

Take a look in this link for additional examples of queries you can use to obtain such statistics.

Cleaning up

To avoid unnecessary charges (storage and computing costs), move to the directory where the bash scripts were deployed (<deployment path>/iot-analytics-athena-ddb/scripts/bash).

Then, run this bash script:


The above script will run the following tasks:

  • Disable server access logging on “IoT Data Lake” and “Athena results” buckets.
  • Drop the database iotanalyticsdb at AWS Glue Data Catalog, together with the external tables.
  • Delete all objects in the deployed S3 buckets.
  • Undeploy AWS SAM application sam-iot-analytics.

The content of this script can be visualized in this link.

During this process, this script will ask you to insert or confirm some configuration parameters. Fill them with these values:

  • Are you sure you want to delete the stack sam-iot-analytics in the region <AWS Region code>? [y/N]: Y
  • Are you sure you want to delete the folder sam-iot-analytics in S3 which contains the artifacts? [y/N]: Y

After removing AWS SAM application sam-iot-analytics, delete the AWS Cloud9 environment created to deploy this solution. Follow the instructions on page Deleting an environment in AWS Cloud9, to do so.


The sample IoT and customer information data used to test this solution doesn't contain sensitive data.

However, you can find scenarios where you need to identify and treat private data, mainly related with Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

In such scenarios, you should consider configuring additional security features on the services used in this solution, to avoid sensitive data exposure:

  • To verify if there is sensitive data being sent to the Data Lake S3 bucket, activate Amazon Macie in the account running this solution. It uses machine learning (ML) and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data.
  • Regarding Amazon DynamoDB, all data is encrypted at rest and in transit, by default. However, if you want to protect your data before sending it to DynamoDB, you can use client-side encryption. For more information, visit the public documentation for Amazon DynamoDB Encryption Client.
  • To prevent data loss at Amazon DynamoDB table and avoid the need to reload it with Data Lake content, you can enable continuous backups using point-in-time recovery. For details on how to setup this feature, see Point-in-time recovery for DynamoDB.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


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