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Static Website CLI


This CLI tool makes it easy to deploy a static website to AWS. It builds and hosts the website, sets up a CDN and DNS, and provisions an SSL certificate.


In order to manage DNS, the tool needs to be able to configure endpoints in your DNS zone. You must have an existing Route53 zone corresponding to the --domain-zone specified. To purchase a new domain name and setup the corresponding zone, follow the Register a domain name instructions here.

This will have cost implications!

AWS Access

The tool needs AWS CLI credentials setup in order to deploy to AWS. The minimum policy required is available in a sample policy.json document.

Although the AWS CLI itself isn't required, staticwebsite-cli uses the same configuration system. The CLI's credential file configuration documentation will help you get started.

You will need to either:

  • Setup a profile in your AWS credentials file
  • Setup environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Download the CLI

Grab the latest release artifact for your system. Builds are published for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Alternatively, clone this repository and run cargo build 🙂!


Simply specify:

--domain-zone The zone to deploy the website into - e.g. -
--domain-name The name of the host. If this isn't specified, we'll deploy at the apex
--deploy The directory containing the static website to deploy

Your website will then be accessible at https://{domain-name}.{domain-zone} or simply https://{domain-zone} if you didn't specify a domain-name within the zone

> staticwebsite_cli --domain-zone --domain-name rustacean --deploy sample

💻 ➜  staticwebsite-cli git:(main) ✗ target/debug/staticwebsite_cli --domain-zone --domain-name rustacean --deploy test
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Checking AWS access
INFO staticwebsite_cli: AWS access looks good, continuing
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Found zone zone="ABCDEFG"
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Using Cloudformation stack name="StaticSite--rustacean-demo-com"
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Stack doesnt exist; creating
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Stack created stack_id="..."
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Waiting for stack deployment to complete
INFO staticwebsite_cli::cloudformation_helpers: Stack status status="CREATE_IN_PROGRESS"
INFO staticwebsite_cli::cloudformation_helpers: Stack status status="CREATE_COMPLETE"
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Stack deploy complete
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Finding website bucket
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Uploading bucket="..."
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Invalidating distribution distribution_id="E3EF9EZ9CV2KGJ"
INFO staticwebsite_cli::cloudfront_helpers: Waiting for invalidation to complete
INFO staticwebsite_cli::cloudfront_helpers: Invalidation status="InProgress"
INFO staticwebsite_cli::cloudfront_helpers: Invalidation status="Completed"
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Distribution invalidated. Ready to go!
INFO staticwebsite_cli: Link href=""
INFO staticwebsite_cli: All done!


Simply re-run staticwebsite_cli with the same arguments to replace the contents of the website. The CLI will invalidate the CDN distribution and the changes should become immediately available.

Removing the stack

  1. Login to the AWS console
  2. Visit the Cloudformation console in us-east-1
  3. Find the stack named StaticSite--your-domain-name and delete it.