AWS Go Build on EKS Series: Cost

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed service and certified Kubernetes conformant to run Kubernetes on AWS and on-premises.

How to reduce costs is a topic on most peoples minds today, in the first session, we will cover how to reduce costs in your EKS workload by first covering common cost factors and easy fixes to bring down your overall spend. We will also look at how to think about efficiency for your workload and how to calculate your costs down to the pod level. You will also see a demo with Kubecost and what factors to think about when installing and setting it up.

In the second session, we’ll show you practical examples that combine different techniques to help you build for sustainability on Amazon EKS by making use of Graviton, EC2 Spot, effective autoscaling with Karpenter, among other topics.

Learning Objectives

- Address common questions related to reducing costs in your EKS workload
- Learn about the many factors that can increase costs in your Kubernetes usage beyond compute
- Learn how to use open-source tools and AWS services to optimize these costs and make your Kubernetes cluster more resilient to economic instability
- Learn practical steps to reducing the energy and carbon impact of cloud architectures running on Amazon EKS

Who Should Attend?

- Developers
- System administrators
- Solutions Architects
- Anyone running or wanting to run Kubernetes on AWS

Technical Level: 300+

Event Details



Liz Duke - Principal Containers Solutions Architect, AWS

Federica Ciuffo Senior Containers Solutions Architect, AWS

Christian Melendez Senior Flex Compute Solutions Architect, AWS


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