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AWS Lambda Shell

This is a Lambda Runtime Interface Client written in pure Bash and Curl. It allows you to quickly create a simple bash script to run in Lambda for use cases like cron jobs or tasks that you want to quickly set up and deploy.

This also implements the Lambda Function URL API to to write HTTP endpoints in bash!

See Examples below!

Setting Up

  • Install and configure the AWS CLI client on your workstation
  • Install jq
  • Install Docker
  • Copy this whole project directory to a new directory name for your project
    • Name the project root directory the same name as your intended Lambda function name
    • Edit this and write documentation for your new thing
  • Edit script/environment and change any configuration settings
  • Edit script/create_function and:
    • Review the IAM_PERMISSIONS array and make adjustments based on what you need to accomplish
    • The policy wizard is pretty handy
    • Change the SECURITY_GROUPS to what is appropriate for the AWS account you're deploying this to
    • Change the SUBNETS to choose where you want this Lambda function to run
    • Review the TAGS array
    • Review TIMEOUT and MEMORY
  • Review the Dockerfile
    • This uses the base image amazon/aws-cli, which is Amazon Linux 2, based off of RedHat 7
      • If you need something newer, rockylinux:8 or rockylinux:9 will also work
    • Add any RPM packages to the yum install command
    • Add any source package installs
    • COPY any extra bash files you write
  • Edit and write your code!
    • You can use a different filename if you set the Dockerfile CMD to your new script name
    • Read below for SDK info
  • Run:
$ ./script/create_function   # just one time
  • If you want to update your function code and redeploy, do:
$ ./script/docker_build
$ ./script/docker_push
  • If you screw up and want to start from scratch again:
$ ./script/delete_function

Running and Testing

  • Head to Lambda Functions and look at the Test tab for your function. Create a new test rule, and paste in anything (or nothing) in the Event JSON and click the Test button
  • Use the cw CLI tool to tail your log files from the log group /aws/lambda/my_function_name
  • Create an EventBridge Rule to fire off your function at a cron interval
    • You can listen for other events like EC2 autoscaling, CloudWatch Alarms, GitHub push, AWS Health, RDS, S3 and many more
    • Information about the event is passed as a JSON object to the $EVENT variable

Function URL

If you want to invoke your bash function via an HTTP client, first configure a Function URL with the AWS CLI (or web console)

$ aws lambda create-function-url-config --function-name my_function_name --auth-type NONE

If you want your Function URL authenticated, read more about that here.

A simple example:

function handler()
  generate_http_response "Hello World!"
$ curl
Hello World!

Bash SDK

The script contains all of the logic for running your handler. There are a few environment variables and bash functions to make your life a little easier.

The function called handler() is executed each time a Lambda invocation is requested.
You may source more bash scripts and call other functions. Everything outside of the handler() function is executed globally one time each time a new Lambda container is bootstrapped. You don't have any control over how long containers last or how many handlers are called for each container.

Installed CLI Tools

  • Bash version 4.2.46, Amazon Linux 2 distro
  • Common Bash things like sed, awk, td, bc, tar, zip
  • AWS CLI v2 (latest version)
  • curl 7.79.1
  • dig / nslookup
  • ping, tracepath, traceroute, arping (and the IPv6 versions of these tools)
  • ecs-cli (latest version)
  • cw 4.1.1
  • jq 1.6
  • Bash Mustache templates!
  • SQLite 3.44.0 (Installed as sqlite binary to not conflict with sqlite3 system version)

Bash Functions


Returns the number of seconds until the Lambda timeout expires and your handler is given the axe. This timeout is set in script/create_function, and you have a maximum of 15 minutes.

(Side note, if you're actually bumping into 15 minutes, you shouldn't use Lambda)


Same as above, except it returns the number of milliseconds until you're timed out

ecs_ips_for_cluster("MyCluster", "MyService")

Given an ECS cluster name and service name, return a newline delimited list of private IP addresses for all of the running tasks

The ecs-cli tool offers this as well, but does not limit based on service name.


This uses jq to flatten the entire $EVENT object into environment variables. For example, this translates the Event JSON key requestContext -> http -> userAgent to $EVENT_REQUESTCONTEXT_HTTP_USERAGENT

Any Array elements will have a suffix with the index, like

  • $EVENT_SERVERS_0="server1"
  • $EVENT_SERVERS_1="server2"

Read more about the requestContext payload here.

If you call this explicitly, remember that this is setting global variables. Call unset_event() at the end of your Lambda function so that they do not persist across subsequent invocations!


The reverse of above, clean up our global environment for the next lambda invocation.


URL hex decoder.

urldecode "my%20param=a+value" 
  => my param=a value


URL hex encoder

urlencode "my param=a value"
  => my%20param%3Da%20value


Declare global associative array HTTP_PARAMS. Pass in an HTTP query string like "var1=my%20value&var2=val2" and it will URL decode values and populate array keys

  • HTTP_PARAMS[var1]="my value"
  • HTTP_PARAMS[var2]="val2"

This is a helper function of parse_http_request() below.


If this function was called as a Lambda Function URL, parse the $EVENT -> requestContext -> http JSON and populate Apache-style CGI environment variables:


Also creates the HTTP_COOKIES and HTTP_PARAMS associative array.


function handler()
$ curl \
  -H 'Cookie: mycookie=cookievalue' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'post1=post%20value' \

HTTP_COOKIES=([mycookie]="cookievalue" )
HTTP_PARAMS=([get]="val2" [post1]="post value" )


Utility function. Join an array by character, print string Ex: join_by ',' "${cookies[@]}"


Utility function. Print the extension of a given path and filename string.

generate_http_response([OPTIONS] [Filename|String])


  • --status INTEGER: Return this HTTP status code
  • --content-type STRING: Return this Content-Type response header
  • --cookie "key=value": Return a cookie key and value. Multiple --cookie parameters can be specified
  • --location URL: Generate a 302 redirect. Automatically sets --status code.

Filename Or String:

The only required parameter for generate_http_response() is a path to a filename, relative to root, or a raw string.

If the string looks like a filename, and that file exists and is readable, generate_http_response() will read the contents of the file, base64 encode it, and then set the Content-Type response header to the MIME type of the file, if the --content-type parameter was not specified.

If the string is just plain text, generate_http_response() will also attempt to determine the MIME type using file --mime if the --content-type parameter was not specified. The raw string is base64 encoded and supplied to the Lambda Function URL API as the HTTP response body.

See Examples below.


Same options as generate_http_response(), but instead, supply a Mustache template file as the Filename. The Mustache template will be parsed into a temp file and passed to generate_http_response(), and then the temp file is deleted.


{ "SnapshotId": "{{SNAPSHOT_ID}}" }
function handler()
  # Content-Type: application/json will be set automatically
  generate_mustache_http_response "/"

Environment Variables


Default is handler -- if you want to use a different name for the handler function, override this in the Dockerfile.


ENV _FUNCTION=myhandler


The Lambda Request ID for this invocation


The epoch in seconds when the timeout will happen


The full ARN name of this Lambda function


The Trace ID used in Lambda X-Ray. (profiling your function)


The event payload, if you've given one to your function. Event payloads can be set from EventBridge to give your function custom configuration settings.

NOTE: The event payload is also passed as the first argument $1 to your bash function.

Unless otherwise specified, most of the payloads will be JSON.


The only writable location in the Lambda execution environment is /tmp.
I'm setting HOME=/tmp for CLI tools like ecs-cli that seem to want to store configuration data in $HOME and are too stupid to figure out any fallback.

In addition to our custom variables above, AWS also offers a few interesting environment variables from the Lambda runtime.


The usual AWS CLI authentication variables are automatically filled in with ephemeral credentials that persist only for the lifetime of the running container. Lambda uses the IAM Role given to this function to create an access key.


The amount of memory in MB that was configured for this function


The name of the Lambda function


The function version, like $LATEST


The CloudWatch log group name. Example: /aws/lambda/my_lambda_function


The CloudWatch log stream name. Example: 2022/09/29/[$LATEST]5fff737ab02b4732a908e50a90847cea

The hex code at the end can be used as a unique identifier for the running container


Should be set to This is the HTTP endpoint to interact with the Lambda runtime API


Should be set to If you want to publish X-Ray data, read about it here


This is always set to a blank string.


This is always set to UID 993, username sbx_user1051


HTTP Router

Using the $SCRIPT_NAME variable, you can implement your own HTTP router with a case statement:

function handler()

  case "${SCRIPT_NAME}" in
      generate_http_response "index.html"
      if [[ "${REQUEST_METHOD}" == "POST" ]]; then
        # update something
        STATUS=$(aws ec2 --instance-ids $HTTP_PARAMS[InstanceID] ...)
      generate_mustache_http_response ""
      generate_http_response --status 404 "Not Found"

HTTP Cookies

Generate HTTP response cookies, and validate request cookies

  Hi there {{HTTP_COOKIES.user}}!
function handler()

  if [[ "${HTTP_COOKIES[user]}" == "" ]]; then
    generate_http_response \
      --cookie "user=Bob" \
      --location "/"
    generate_mustache_http_response ""

Note: This example is horribly insecure. Don't use something like this for authentication. Sign and encrypt your cookies or use JSON Web Tokens.

Proxy the AWS CLI

You can work with AWS's --query language, or just use jq to create the output you desire. You can specify --content-type header explicitly, or just rely on the generate_http_response() function's use of file --mime to autodetect the mime type.

For larger responses, you also might want to redirect output to a file and call generate_http_response $tempfile

Don't forget to delete it after!

function handler()
  generate_http_response $(
    aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces \
      --query 'NetworkInterfaces[][{PrivateIpAddress:PrivateIpAddress,Description:Description}][]'
$ curl
        "PrivateIpAddress": "",
        "Description": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:1234:attachment/..."
        "PrivateIpAddress": "",
        "Description": "Interface for NAT Gateway nat-1234"
    . . . 

Daily Billing Report

Pull EstimatedCharges from CloudWatch and forecast from Cost Explorer then send an email via SES.

function handler()
  yesterday_bill=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
    --namespace "AWS/Billing" \
    --metric-name "EstimatedCharges" \
    --dimension "Name=Currency,Value=USD" \
    --start-time $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00" --date="-24 hours") \
    --end-time $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00") \
    --statistic Maximum \
    --period 60 \
    --output text | sort -r -k 3 | head -n 1 | cut -f 2
  two_days_ago_bill=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
    --namespace "AWS/Billing" \
    --metric-name "EstimatedCharges" \
    --dimension "Name=Currency,Value=USD" \
    --start-time $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00" --date="-48 hours") \
    --end-time $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00" --date="-24 hours") \
    --statistic Maximum \
    --period 60 \
    --output text | sort -r -k 3 | head -n 1 | cut -f 2

  delta_bill='$'"$(echo "$yesterday_bill $two_days_ago_bill" | awk '{print $1-$2}')"
  # Forecast for the end of month bill
  end_of_month=$(date --date="$(date +'%Y-%m-01') + 1 month - 1 second" "+%Y-%m-%d")
  next_month=$(date --date="$(date +'%Y-%m-01') + 1 month" "+%Y-%m-%d")
  forecast_json=$( aws ce get-cost-forecast \
    --time-period Start=$end_of_month,End=$next_month \
    --metric=AMORTIZED_COST \
  end_period=$( echo $forecast_json | jq -r '.ForecastResultsByTime[0].TimePeriod.End' )
  forecast_cost='$'"$(echo $forecast_json | jq -r '.ForecastResultsByTime[0].MeanValue' )"
  aws ses send-email \
    --from "" \
    --destination "" \
    --message "Subject={Data=AWS Billing Report,Charset=utf8},Body={Html={Data=<pre>Last 24 hour bill `echo $bill`.<br><br>Bill forecast for period ending $end_period => $forecast_cost<br><br></pre>,Charset=utf8}}" 

Automated Snapshots

Given a passed in EC2 instance ID from an EventBridge JSON config, snapshot this instance and add a Retention tag for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.

After the snapshot has finished, create an AMI with the same tag.

function retention()
  local month=$(date +"%m")
  local day=$(date +"%d"`)
  local hour=$(date +"%H")
  local year=$(date +"%Y")
  local day_of_week=$(date +"%a")

  if [[ ("$month" == "01") && ("$day" == "01") ]]; then
    echo "annually"
  elif [[ ("$month" == "01" || "$month" == "04" || "$month" == "07" || "$month" == "10") && ("$day" == "01") ]]; then
    echo "quarterly"
  elif [[ ("$day" == "01") ]]; then
    echo "monthly"
  elif [[ ("$day_of_week" == "Sat" && $hour -ge 12) || ("$day_of_week" == "Sun" && $hour -lt 12) ]]; then
    echo "weekly"
    echo "daily"

# Called with EventBridge event JSON {"InstanceID": "i-1234"}
function handler()

  # Grab the root volume ID
  volume_id=$(aws ec2 describe-volumes \
    --filters Name=attachment.instance-id,Values=$instance_id Name=attachment.device,Values=/dev/sda1 \
    --query 'Volumes[0].Attachments[0].VolumeId' --output text

  # daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly

  # Start the snapshot process
  snapshot_id=$(aws ec2 create-snapshot \
    --volume-id $volume_id \
    --description "Automated $retention_value backup on $instance_id" 
    --tag-specifications "ResourceType=snapshot,Tags=[{Key=Retention,Value=$retention_value},{Key=InstanceID,Value=$instance_id}]" \
    --query 'SnapshotId' --output text

  echo "Created Snapshot ID $snapshot_id"
  # clean up the $EVENT variables

Find CW Log Groups Without Retention Policy and Set One

Lots of things automatically create a CloudWatch Log Group. By default, the retention policy is Never Expire, which means they collect logs (and your monies) indefinitely.

This iterates through every AWS Region, searches for log groups with no retention set, then sets a new retention for 7 days.

Note: CloudFront will automatically create log groups in regions that you don't use!

function handler()
  # Iterate regions
  for region in $( aws ec2 describe-regions --output text --query 'Regions[][RegionName]' ); do
    echo "### region $region ###"
    # Log groups that do not have a retention policy set
    for group in $( aws --region $region logs describe-log-groups \
      | jq -r '.logGroups[] | select(has("retentionInDays") | not) | .logGroupName' 
    ); do
      echo "Log Group $group"
      # Set it to 7 days
      aws --region $region logs put-retention-policy --log-group-name $group --retention-in-days 7

Monitor ECS Containers

The ecs_ips_for_cluster() bash function pulls the list of private IP addresses for ECS containers from the running task.

Ping the IP, then use curl to check that HTTP is running. If either fails, do something like send an SES email or publish a CloudWatch Metric.

function handler()
  # Do something for each running container in an ECS cluster
  for IP in $( ecs_ips_for_cluster "MyCluster" "MyService" ); do
    echo $IP
    if [[ "$(seconds_until_timeout)" -le "2" ]]; then
      echo "Uh oh, I better wrap things up..."
      return 1
    ping -c 1 "${IP}"
    if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
      echo "Couldn't ping $IP"
    curl --max-time 3 -s "${IP}"
    if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
      echo "HTTP is dead on $IP"

Using SQLite JSON Plugins

You might need more advanced functionality to work with JSON payloads along with a simple database. SQLite is perfect for this, and is installed as the binary name sqlite. (The Amazon Linux 2 sqlite3 is very old)

Pull data from the AWS API, insert into local tables and then dump the data out using SQLite's JSON functions

A good example is ECS clusters, services, tags and IP addresses. All of these need to be pulled from separate API endpoints.


CREATE TABLE cluster (
  id integer primary key autoincrement, 
  name varchar
CREATE TABLE service (
  id integer primary key autoincrement, 
  cluster_id integer, 
  name varchar, 
  FOREIGN KEY(cluster_id) REFERENCES cluster(id)
  id integer primary key autoincrement, 
  service_id integer,
  key varchar,
  value varchar,
  FOREIGN KEY(service_id) REFERENCES service(id)
  id integer primary key autoincrement, 
  service_id integer,
  name varchar,
  IP varchar,
  port integer,
  FOREIGN KEY(service_id) REFERENCES service(id)  


          from tag
          from task
    from service
from cluster;

function handler()
  local sqldb=$(mktemp --suffix=.db)

  sqlite $sqldb < /schema.sql

  # Iterate over all cluster names
  for cluster in $(aws ecs list-clusters \
    --query 'clusterArns[].[@]' \
    --output text | cut -d\/ -f2); do

    local cluster_id=$(sqlite $sqldb \
      "insert into cluster (name) values('$cluster') returning id")

    # Iterate over service ARNs
    for service_arn in $(aws ecs list-services \
      --cluster "$cluster" \
      --query 'serviceArns[].[@]' --output text); do

      local service_name=$(echo "${service_arn}" | cut -d\/ -f3)
      local service_id=$(
        sqlite $sqldb "insert into service (cluster_id,name) 
           values($cluster_id,'$service_name') returning id"
      # Iterate over tags for this service
      for record in $(aws ecs list-tags-for-resource \
        --resource-arn "$service_arn" | jq -r '.tags[] | @base64'); do
        local tag_json=$(echo "$record" | base64 --decode)
        local tag_key=$(echo "$tag_json" | jq -r '.key')
        local tag_value=$(echo "$tag_json" | jq -r '.value')
        sqlite $sqldb "insert into tag (service_id,key,value)

      # iterate over task ARNs
      for task_arn in $(aws ecs list-tasks \
        --cluster "$cluster" --service "$service_name" \
        --query 'taskArns[].[@]' --output text); do

        local task_id=$(echo "${task_arn}" | cut -d\/ -f3)
        local task_json=$(aws ecs describe-tasks \
          --cluster "$cluster" \
          --tasks "$task_arn" \
          --query 'tasks[0]')
        # For Fargate only
        local IP=$(echo "$task_json" | jq -r '.containers[0].networkInterfaces[0].privateIpv4Address')
        local task_definition_arn=$(echo "$task_json" | jq -r '.taskDefinitionArn')
        local port=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition \
          --task-definition $task_definition_arn \
          --query 'taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].portMappings[0].hostPort' \
          --output text
        sqlite $sqldb "insert into task (service_id,name,IP,port)


  # sqlite outputs a single line of JSON.  
  # Pipe through jq for pretty output and additional syntax checking
  local body=$(sqlite $sqldb < /json_query.sql | jq -r '.')

  rm -f $sqldb

  generate_http_response --content-type "application/json" "${body}"

The resulting output of the Function URL might look something like:

$ curl
  "production": {
    "web": {
      "tags": {
        "Environment": "production",
        "Name": "web"
      "tasks": {
        "af0261572c4e568367f7628c3410e4c0": {
          "IP": "",
          "port": 80
        "df2231471cdef6231ffd61833f1de120": {
          "IP": "",
          "port": 80
    "api": {
      "tags": {
        "Environment": "production",
        "Name": "api"
      "tasks": {
        "9523a53dff1143fdbff1132f2823939d": {
          "IP": "",
          "port": 80
        "f847031bef5243e2b1d22f924f229494": {
          "IP": "",
          "port": 80


Lambda Runtime Interface Client written in pure Bash







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