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Amazon S3 Small Object Compaction with AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions

This solution deploys a serverless application to combine ("compact") small objects stored in a given Amazon S3 prefix into a single larger file. Larger files enable cost effective use of S3 storage tiers that have a minimum billable object size (e.g. 128 KB). It can also improve performance when querying data directly with Amazon Athena.

The sample code is written using the AWS Cloud Development Kit in Python.

There are two solutions in this project to demonstrate the benefits of using AWS Step Functions Distributed Map functionality to invoke Lambda functions in parallel and compact the objects faster:

  1. A single Lambda function which iterates over a list of Amazon S3 prefixes to compact. Architecture Diagram - Single Lambda
  2. An AWS Step Function which uses Distributed Map to invoke a Lambda function for each prefix in a given list of objects to compact. Architecture Diagram - Step Functions



  • Python 3.7 or later including pip and virtualenv
  • Node.js 14.15.0 or later

Install the latest version of the AWS CDK Toolkit using the Node Package Manager:

npm install -g aws-cdk

Creating a Python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the required Python package dependencies inside the virtualenv:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Deploy the CDK application passing in the context variables:

  • source_s3_uri = the name of your S3 bucket containing the files to compact.
  • target_s3_uri = the name of the bucket to write the compacted files to. This will be given s3:PutObject permissions.
  • previous_days = how many days of historical data to compact and the frequency to run the EventBridge scheduled job.
cdk deploy -c source_s3_uri=s3://my-source-bucket/prefix/ -c target_s3_uri=s3://my-target-bucket/prefix/ -c previous_days=30

To edit the date format of the expected S3 prefix partitioning modify the cdk.context.json file. The default is %Y/%m/%d e.g. my/prefix/2024/01/14/file.json.


By default there is an EventBridge scheduled rule to invoke the Step Function State Machine every previous_days specified at deployment. This rule is DISABLED by default. To enable this, update the lambdaTriggerRule in to enabled=True and redeploy the CDK application.

The standalone Lambda function S3ObjectCompactionStack-standaloneCompactFunction can be invoked using the following test event:

  "s3_source_uri": "s3://my-source-bucket/AWSLogs/123456789012/CloudTrail/eu-west-1/",
  "s3_destination_uri": "s3://my-dest-bucket/",
  "date_format": "%Y/%m/%d",
  "duration": 30

Depending on the volume of data, this may take several minutes to run as each S3 prefix is being processed in sequence.

The Step Function State Machine CompactionStateMachine can be invoked manually with the following inputs:

  "s3_source_uri": "s3://my-source-bucket/AWSLogs/123456789012/CloudTrail/eu-west-1/",
  "s3_destination_uri": "s3://my-dest-bucket/",
  "date_format": "%Y/%m/%d",
  "duration": 30

This will process the same data in significantly less time as each prefix is being compacted in parallel.

Generating test data

There is a useful test utility that can be used to generate some random data and seed it across date partitions in a source S3 bucket:

./test/ -r 1000 -f 10000 -b my-test-bucket

Cleaning Up

Resources can be deleted by running:

cdk destroy