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Welcome to ecs-windows-ci-cd-blue-green project!

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This project sets up a Windows based ECS Cluster using capacity provider auto-scaling with fully automated Blue/Green deployment powered by AWS Code Deploy. All you need to pass is your ECR repo name where the image resides in cdk.json via imageRepository property.

It is assumed that you already have a mechanism in place to build and push your container image to ECR. If you don't have the mechanism in place, Pipeline can easily be extended to introduce a code build stage to build and deploy your container image. As part of demo setup, we have pushed microsoft/iss image from docker hub to ECR as per instructions here.

The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.

It is a Maven based project, so you can open this project with any Maven compatible Java IDE to build and run tests.


  • Make sure you have AWS CDK installed and configured with an aws account you want to use.
  • Ensure you have npm installed.
  • Ensure you have java11 installed.

Getting started

  • Change to lambda directory and install needed dependencies by executing below command.

      cd lambda
      npm install
      cd .. 

    Note: This is a one time activity to make sure the lambda function for custom resources has required dependencies.

  • Build the maven project:

      mvn clean install
  • Once the project is build successfully, Use CDK commands to diff and deploy the stacks. Application consists of two stacks which needs to be deployed separately.

  • EcsWindowsBlueGreenClusterStack: Sets up Windows based ECS Cluster with auto-scaling. It also sets up a service using CODE_DEPLOY as deployment controller backed by Network load balancer. It also sets up Code deploy application along with a Blue Green deployment group. Finally, It also copies taskdef.json and appspec.yaml files to S3 buckets as zip. This is need to set up Code Pipeline for ECS Blue Green deployment.

      cdk synth EcsWindowsBlueGreenClusterStack
      cdk deploy EcsWindowsBlueGreenClusterStack --require-approval never

    Once the stacks is deployed, you should be able to browse through the service following loadbalancer URL, which will also be available in stack output as LoadBalancerDnsName.

  • PipelineEcsWindowsBlueGreenStack: Sets up Code pipeline with ECS Blue Green Deployment. It uses S3 objects copied as part of EcsWindowsBlueGreenClusterStack and an ECR repository as sources. You will need to pass the ECR repo name where the image resides in cdk.json via imageRepository property.

      cdk synth PipelineEcsWindowsBlueGreenStack
      cdk deploy PipelineEcsWindowsBlueGreenStack --require-approval never

    One the pipeline stack is deployed, a code pipeline is created. It will take care of Blue/Green Deployment for your Ecs service using capacity provider autoscaling.

Demo Pipeline

Useful commands

  • mvn package compile and run tests
  • cdk ls list all stacks in the app
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk docs open CDK documentation



This project sets up a Windows based ECS Cluster using capacity provider auto-scaling with fully automated Blue/Green deployment powered by AWS Code Deploy



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