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This solution creates a web portal for your customers to access your corporate Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) environment. It combines the benefits of using AWS Transfer for SFTP with an intuitive web browser interface for your non-technical users.




Web Client for AWS Transfer Family

AWS customers are looking for ways to provide simple browser-based user interfaces to their corporate SFTP environments. Many of their non-technical users find it inconvenient to use thick client tools such as FileZilla and others. Moreover, many customers do not want to install and support different clients on various end user devices and operating systems. By adopting an intuitive and browser-based solution they reduce the effort of managing commercial or open-source client and having to troubleshoot different end-user devices and operating systems. The solution supports common file operations such as Upload, Download, Rename and Delete.

This guide provides infrastructure and configuration information for planning and deploying Web Client for AWS Transfer Family (only SFTP-enabled server supported with release). Web Client for AWS Transfer Family’s SFTP-enabled server provides a simple and intuitive web browser interface to AWS Transfer Family’s SFTP-enabled server service and supports common file operations such as upload, download, rename and delete.

Architecture Overview

The solution deploys a dedicated Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) with three private and three public subnets spread across three availability zones.

In addition, the solution deploys a web application into an Amazon S3 bucket configured for static website hosting. Amazon CloudFront is used to restrict access to the solution’s website bucket contents.

The solution also deploys Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) containers running on AWS Fargate in the private subnets. The containers host a python-based application that exposes an API to front-end requests. VPC Endpoints are created for secure access to various services from ECS Fargate containers.

The solution deploys AWS Transfer Family’s SFTP-enabled server and uses Amazon Cognito user pool to manage user access to the web application as well as for custom authentication with AWS Transfer Family. Amazon DynamoDB is used to store logical directory path mapping for AWS Transfer Family’s SFTP-enabled server.

Deploying this solution builds the following environment in the AWS Cloud.


Following is a high-level user request flow, as depicted by numbered-arrows in above diagram:

  1. End-users can interact with the web client front-end, Angular Single Page Application SPA), hosted in Amazon S3 and is fronted by Amazon CloudFront. Users provide their Amazon Cognito credentials to log in. In addition, users can use other SFTP clients such as FileZilla to directly interface with AWS Transfer Family SFTP-enabled endpoint using their Amazon Cognito credentials.

  2. The user request from front-end invokes backend APIs (log in, log out, list files and directories, create and delete files, rename files) running in AWS ECS Fargate.

  3. Fargate tasks programmatically interact with AWS Transfer Family SFTP-enabled endpoint, making SFTP connection using user-provided Amazon Cognito credentials.

  4. Transfer Family passes these credentials to the API Gateway endpoint. The API is integrated with a Lambda function. The Transfer Family server then uses the API Gateway URL backed by the Lambda function to query Amazon Cognito and validate the end user’s credentials

  5. Once the user is authenticated, the AWS Lambda function queries for the user’s details (such as logical mapping) from a DynamoDB table. The response from the API Gateway authorizes the end user and grants access to the Amazon S3 bucket

Supported AWS Regions

This solution is supported in following AWS regions:

  • us-east-1 (Virginia)
  • us-east-2 (Ohio)
  • us-west-2 (Oregon)
  • ap-south-1 (Mumbai)
  • ap-northeast-2 (Seoul)
  • ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)
  • ap-southeast-2 (Sydney)
  • ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo)
  • ca-central-1 (Canada)
  • eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)
  • eu-west-1 (Ireland)
  • eu-west-2 (London)
  • eu-west-3 (Paris)
  • eu-north-1 (Stockholm)
  • me-south-1 (Bahrain)
  • sa-east-1 (Sao Paulo)

Deploying Cloudformation Templates

There are eight Cloudformation templates that are used to deploy this solution in AWS account. The templates are numbered in the order to be executed.

AWS CloudFormation Templates

This solution uses AWS CloudFormation to automate the deployment of the Web Client for AWS Transfer Family in the AWS Cloud. It includes the following CloudFormation templates, which you can download before deployment:

01-sftp-vpc.template: Use this template to launch Amazon VPC spanning 3 AZs. The default configuration deploys the required VPC and other best practices related resources such as security groups and VPC endpoints. You can customize the template based on your specific needs.

02-sftp-cognito.template: Use this template to create Amazon Cognito User Pool and User Pool Client. The default configuration deploys a Cognito user pool for provisioning users. You can customize the template based on your specific needs.

03-sftp-endpoint.template: Use this template to create AWS Transfer Family SFTP-enabled server, Amazon API Gateway and Lambda function for custom authentication, AWS DynamoDB table for AWS Transfer user mapping and AWS Backup resources. The default configuration deploys and AWS Transfer Family SFTP-enabled server along with the required resources to support a working endpoint according to best practices. You can customize the template based on your specific needs.

04-sftp-ecs.template: Use this template to create the Amazon ECS infrastructure to host the containerized backend application. The default configuration creates an ECS cluster and related resources such as Amazon ECR container registry to support the backend application. You can customize the template based on your specific needs.

05-sftp-fargate.template: Use this template to launch the AWS Fargate service representing the backend application. The default configuration deploys AWS ECS Service, AWS Systems Manager Parameters, AWS S3 buckets and AWS ECS Task definition, but you can also customize the template based on your specific needs.

06b-security-headers-lambda-edge.template: Use this template to implement security headers using Lambda@Edge.

07-sftp-web-client.template: Use this template to configure the user interface for the Web Client Solution. This stack creates the required AWS S3 buckets and AWS CloudFront distribution to host a static website deployment on S3 fronted by CloudFront. You can customize the template based on your specific needs.

08-operational-metrics.template: Use this template to configure to collect and send operational metrics of the deployment of this solution.

Automated Deployment

Before you launch the automated deployment, please review the architecture, configuration, network security, and other considerations discussed in this guide. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy Web Client for AWS Transfer Family into your account.

Time to deploy: Approximately 50-60 mins


  • The solution assumes that you already have a S3 bucket with folder/prefix paths defined, which will be used as the data bucket for AWS Transfer Family’s SFTP-enabled server.

  • The solution assumes you have an existing ACM certificate to protect endpoints with your organizations own SSL certificate. The ARN for this certificate will be needed when deploying 05-sftp-fargate.template CloudFormation template below.

  • The solution assumes you have a Route 53 Hosted Zone representing the domain for the solutions endpoints. This solution will add a record set specific to your sftp endpoints.

  • Docker client is installed on your local machine to build the application's container image.

  • NodeJS/Angular development environment configured on your local machine to build the solutions web-based user interface.

    • First, we must install NodeJS/NPM.

    NOTE: we are using NodeJS 14.15 along with Angular 12 and related libraries.

    • Install Node Version Manager:
      curl -o- | bash
      . ~/.nvm/
    • Install NodeJS version 14.15:
    nvm install 14.15
    • Make this version the default:
    nvm alias default v14.15
    • Install Angular CLI:
    npm install -g @angular/cli@12

Step 1. Pre-Launch Tasks

In this document, we will use Amazon Linux Workspace as the workstation to deploy cloud formation templates. This will provide a clean environment to install our dev dependencies without impact to other artifacts already installed on a desktop environment.

  1. Clone project code repository to your local workstation, from the GitHub location. git clone -b open-source

  2. Install Docker

sudo yum install docker
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl status docker
  1. If you run docker build command, you may see DNS issues ‘Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution”. To mitigate it proactively, modify docker daemon file proactively:
sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
# and add following content:
  "dns": ["", ""]

# restart the docker service
sudo service docker restart
  1. Run following script from deployment folder. It will create dist folder under the root of the solution folder.
./ solutions web-client-for-aws-transfer-family v1.0.0

At this point, you are ready to deploy the solution.

Step 2. Launch the Stacks

This solution is deployed using several CloudFormation templates representing different layers of the overall solution stack. Please make sure that you’ve reviewed the Prerequisites section of this document before starting the installation process.

It is also worth noting that some CloudFormation templates reference resources from parent CloudFormation templates using the stack names to cross-reference resources, e.g., the sftp-endpoint-stack references sftp-vpc-stack to determine what subnets to use. The default values for these parent stacks are already included in the relevant CloudFormation templates. If you decide to change the stack names to something other than the instructed stack name, make sure to change the default values of child stacks to your new stack names.

Note: You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. For full details, see the pricing webpage for each AWS service you will be using in this solution.

VPC Deployment

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation console to deploy the solution’s VPC resources. Use region selector in the console navigation bar to deploy the template in solution’s supported AWS Regions. Ensure to use same AWS region for remaining steps of the deployment process.

  2. On the stacks page, select Create stack With new resources (standard) option. Under Prepare template, select Template is ready. Under Specify template, select Upload a template file option. Use file uploader to upload 01-sftp-vpc.template from your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder. Choose Next.

  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For example, “sftp-vpc-stack”

  4. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.

Parameter Default Description
PrivateSubnet1CIDR The CIDR range for one of the private subnets
PrivateSubnet3CIDR The CIDR range for one of the private subnets
PublicSubnet1CIDR The CIDR range for one of the public subnets
PublicSubnet2CIDR The CIDR range for one of the public subnets
PublicSubnet3CIDR The CIDR range for one of the public subnets
ResourceTag SFTPVPC Value to uniquely identify resources for this stack.
  1. Choose Next.
  2. On the Configure stack options page choose Next,
  3. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Be sure to check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources.
  4. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack. You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console in the Status column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in approximately four minutes.
  5. Note down the following values from value from the Outputs section of the deployed stack.

DefaultSecurityGroup and EndpointsSecurityGroup

Cognito Deployment

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation console to deploy the solution’s Cognito resources.
  2. On the stacks page, select Create stack With new resources (standard) option. Under Prepare template, select Template is ready. Under Specify template, select Upload a template file option. Use file uploader to upload 02-sftp-cognito.template from your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder. Choose Next.
  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For example, “sftp-cognito-stack”. Choose Next.
  4. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.
Parameter Default Description
VPCResourceStack sftp-vpc-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the VPC resources. Use the name of the stack from VPC deployment section, step 3.
  1. Choose Next.
  2. On the Configure stack options page choose Next,
  3. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings.
  4. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack. You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console in the Status column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in approximately less than one minute.
  5. Note down the values of following fields/keys from the Outputs section of the deployed stack.

UserPoolClientId and UserPoolId

SFTP Endpoint Deployment

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation console to deploy the solution’s SFTP Endpoint.
  2. On the stacks page, select Create stack With new resources (standard) option. Under Prepare template, select Template is ready. Under Specify template, select Upload a template file option. Use file uploader to upload 03-sftp-endpoint.template from your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder. Choose Next.
  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For example, “sftp-endpoint-stack”
  4. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.
Parameter Default Description
AWSTransferForSFTPS3Bucket No default Name of the S3 bucket that will be used as backend for AWS Transfer endpoint. Note: it is assumed that this bucket exists, i.e. it is not created as part of this stack.
AWSTransferVPCSecGroup No default Please pick the default security group created as part of the 01-sftp-vpc.template stack. Use the value of DefaultSecurityGroup from VPC Deployment Outputs in step 9.
CognitoResourceStack sftp-cognito-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the Cognito resources (02-sftp-cognito.template). Use the name of the stack from Cognito deployment section, step 3.
VPCResourceStack sftp-vpc-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the VPC resources. Use the name of the stack from VPC deployment section, step 3.
  1. Choose Next.
  2. On the Configure stack options page choose Next.
  3. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Be sure to check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources
  4. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack. You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console in the Status column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in approximately 11-12 minutes.

ECS Cluster Deployment

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation console to deploy the solution’s ECS Cluster that will host our Fargate Tasks.
  2. On the stacks page, select Create stack With new resources (standard) option. Under Prepare template, select Template is ready. Under Specify template, select Upload a template file option. Use file uploader to upload 04-sftp-ecs.template from your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder. Choose Next.
  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For example, “sftp-ecs-stack”
  4. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.
Parameter Default Description
HostedZoneId No default The ID of the Route 53 hosted zone you wish to add a RecordSet pointing to your backend API URL, i.e. the ALB fronting the backend API.
RecordName The DNS name for a new record set. For example, if the hosted zone is' then the entry should be ''). This record set will point to the Application Load Balancer fronting the backend API on ECS.
VPCResourceStack sftp-vpc-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the VPC resources. Use the name of the stack from VPC deployment section, step 3.
  1. Choose Next.

  2. On the Configure stack options page choose Next,

  3. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Be sure to check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources

  4. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack. You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console in the Status column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in approximately 3 minutes.

  5. Note down the value of following field/key from the Outputs section of the deployed stack.


Creating our applications Docker image

At this point we will build our container image representing the backend application that is our SFTP API. We then deploy this image to ECS.

NOTE: To execute the following instructions the script requires that you pass an AWS_PROFILE with sufficient privileges to execute the scripted API commands.

  1. From your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder, select file and modify it as follows:

    Line 10: Set COMPANY_DOMAIN variable to your corporate domain, e.g.

    Line 11: Set CLOUDFRONT_CNAME variable to the CNAME for your CloudFront distribution, e.g.

    Line 12: Set ECR_REPO_NAME variable to the value of ECR key from step 9 of previous section, e.g. sftp-backend-0a635743

  2. Execute the script as follows:


Note: You may need to adjust the permission on the file using chmod command to make it an executable.

Note: You may need to execute above command using sudo if you see any permission issues.

  1. In the AWS ECR console, navigate to the sftp-backend-<> repository created in last section and copy the Image URI, e.g.

Fargate Task Deployment

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation console to deploy the solution’s Fargate Tasks to the already Created ECS Cluster.
  2. On the stacks page, select Create stack With new resources (standard) option. Under Prepare template, select Template is ready. Under Specify template, select Upload a template file option. Use file uploader to upload 05-sftp-fargate.template from your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder. Choose Next.
  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For example, “sftp-fargate-stack”
  4. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.
Parameter Default Description
ACMCertificateARN No default The ARN of the ACM certificate used for HTTPS ALB endpoint. NOTE: Use ARN of certificate defined within the region the ALB resides.
ContainerCPU 256 Amount of CPU for each task; 1024 = 1 vCPU. See supported CPU and memory values for Fargate tasks here.
ContainerMemory 512 Memory in GB for each task.
ContainerPort 80 The Container port.
TaskCount 3 Number of Fargate tasks to deploy.
ECSStackName sftp-ecs-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the ECS resources. Use the name of the stack from ECS Cluster deployment section, step 3.
ImageURI No Default The ECR Image URI for the application.
SFTPEndPointStackName sftp-endpoint-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the SFTP resources. Use the name of the stack from SFTP Endpoint deployment section, step 3.
VPCResourceStack sftp-vpc-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the VPC resources. Use the name of the stack from VPC deployment section, step 3.
  1. Choose Next.

  2. On the Configure stack options page choose Next,

  3. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Be sure to check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources

  4. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack. You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console in the Status column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in approximately 1 minute. Note down the following value from the Outputs section of the deployed stack, which will be used in the next step:


Web Client Infrastructure Setup

We now need to deploy and configure Lambda@Edge function that will insert necessary security headers (Strict-Transport-Security, X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, Content-Security-Policy) which will be used by the cloudfront distribution.

NOTE: to execute the following instructions the script requires that you pass an AWS_PROFILE with sufficient privileges to execute the scripted API commands.

  1. Under the dist/deployment folder, edit as follows.

    a. The value for DOMAIN_NAME should be set to your company’s domain. e.g.

Execute the script as follows:


Note: You may need to adjust the permission on the file using chmod command to make it an executable.

Note down the value of OutputValue which is the Lambda@Edge function’s version ARN. That will be used in next section.

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation console to deploy the solution’s Web Client resources.

Note: If you are deploying in Cape Town (af-south-1), Hong Kong (ap-east-1), Milan (eu-south-1), or Bahrain (me-south-1) modify 07-sftp-web-client.template under dist/deployment folder, comment three lines (147-149),and save the template before following next step.

  1. On the stacks page, select Create stack With new resources (standard) option. Under Prepare template, select Template is ready. Under Specify template, select Upload a template file option. Use file uploader to upload 07-sftp-web-client.template from your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder. Choose Next.
  2. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For example, “sftp-webclient-stack”
  3. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.
Parameter Default Description
ACMCertificateARN arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:111222333444:certificate/99988822-5a2b-4e8e-aaf0-83d8deed4445 The ARN of the ACM certificate used for CloudFront. NOTE: This certificate, unlike the certificate used for the ALB in the Fargate task deployment, must reside in us-east-1 regardless of what region you choose for your solution deployment.
CNameAlternateDomainName CloudFront distribution alternate domain name that matches R53 domain name for your user interface.
LambdaEdgeVersionARN No default ARN of Lambda@Edge function's version ARN to be used in CF distribution. Use value you noted for OutputValue above.
HostedZoneId No Default The ID of the Route 53 hosted zone you wish to add a RecordSet pointing to your CloudFront distribution URL, i.e. the distribution serving your user interface.
FargateResourceStack sftp-vpc-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the VPC resources. Use the name of the stack from VPC deployment section, step 3.
VPCResourceStack sftp-fargate-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the VPC resources. Use the name of the stack from Fargate deployment section, step 3.
  1. On the Configure stack options page choose Next,
  2. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Be sure to check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources
  3. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack.

You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console in the Status column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in approximately 5 minutes.

Web Client Deployment

We now need to compile our Web UI project and deploy the compiled assets to the S3 bucket designated to host our static website. In the prior deployment step, we set up a CloudFront distribution that points to this S3 bucket as the origin for our user interface.

NOTE: to execute the following instructions the script requires that you pass an AWS_PROFILE with sufficient privileges to execute the scripted API commands.

Under the dist/deployment folder, edit as follows. You will need to update the environment variables BACKEND_URL and SFTP_WEB_CLIENT_BUCKET

  • The value for BACKEND_URL should be updated to reflect the Route 53 RecordSet pointing to your ALB (see ECS Cluster Deployment section of the guide, Step 4, input parameter RecordName). Please preserve the formatting as noted in the file, e.g. https:\/\/

  • The value for SFTP_WEB_CLIENT_BUCKET should be updated with the name of the bucket created in the step ‘Fargate Task Deployment. You can get the name of this bucket by looking at the output section of the stack for the following key: ‘SFTPWebClientBucket’

Execute the script as follows:


Note: You may need to adjust the permission on the file using chmod command.

When completed you should see the compiled assets in the S3 bucket

Step 3. Adding and mapping users

Adding a Cognito test user

  1. Adding a Cognito test user by editing under the dist/deployment folder and updating the following
Parameter Description
COGNITO_CLIENT_ID Get from sftp-cognito-stack outputs UserPoolClientId
COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_SECRET See Cognito Deployment section for details on getting this value.
COGNITO_USER_PASSWD Enter a password consisting upper case, lower case, number, and special character, e.g. ‘TempPass@123456'
COGNITO_USER_TELNUM example: '+12158348813'
COGNITO_USERPOOL_ID Get from sftp-cognito-stack outputs UserPoolId
  1. Under dist/deployment, run the following script by executing as follows. When script completes you can check for the existence of this user in your Cognito User Pool.
  ![User added to user pool](img/sftp-backend-user-pool.png)  

Configuring DynamoDB table

In this section you configure the mapping of a Cognito user we created above, to S3 bucket folder. Recall that an S3 bucket is designated as the backend bucket for SFTP. This bucket will contain a folder for each user. In this example, user mysftpuser is mapped to backend bucket is sftp-backend-bucket and thus will map a folder from our designated bucket to this username. Here is the entry you must add to SFTPUserDirectoryMapping DynamoDB, creating by the CloudFormation templates in prior sections.

DynamoDB User Mapping
SFTP User Directory Mapping

      "directoryMap": [
                  "Entry": "/team/sales",
                  "Target": "/sftp-backend-bucket-eu-west-1/sales"
                  "Entry": "/personal",
                  "Target": "/sftp-backend-bucket-eu-west-1/jdoe"
      "username": "jdoe"

Logging in and testing

Open a browser and navigate to CloudFront distribution alternate domain name you set previously. It will load the UI, as shown below.

SFTP Login

Upon logging in, user will see following layout:


(Optional) Operational Metrics

Under the dist/deployment folder, you can run 08-operational-metrics.template to help us gather operational metrics for this solution.

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation console.
  2. On the stacks page, select Create stack With new resources (standard) option. Under Prepare template, select Template is ready. Under Specify template, select Upload a template file option. Use file uploader to upload 08-operational-metrics.template from your local clone of the project under dist/deployment folder. Choose Next.
  3. On the Specify stack details page, assign a name to your solution stack. For example, “sftp-operational-metrics-stack”
  4. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. This solution uses the following default values.
Parameter Default Description
CognitoStackName sftp-cognito-stack The name of the parent Cognito stack that you created. Necessary to locate and reference resources created by that stack
ECSStackName sftp-ecs-stack The name of the parent ECS Fargate networking stack that you created. Necessary to locate and reference resources created by that stack.
SendAnonymousUsage Yes Send operational metrics of this solution anonymously.
VPCResourceStack sftp-vpc-stack Cross stack reference of the stack used to deploy the VPC resources. Use the name of the stack from VPC deployment section, step 3.
  1. Choose Next.
  2. On the Configure stack options page choose Next,
  3. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Be sure to check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources
  4. Choose Create stack to deploy the stack. You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console in the Status column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in approximately 5 minutes.

Customize UI icon and text

You can change the icon and text that appears on the top left in the UI by modifying dist/source/frontend/src/assets/images/logo.png file from your local clone, before deployment. You can change the text that appears on the top left in the UI by modifying dist/source/frontend/src/assets/config/config.json file from your local clone, before deployment.

Supported File and Folder Operations

The solution supports following file and folder operations:

  • List – Both file and folder
  • Upload – File only. Only single file at a time can be uploaded. Drag and drop of file supported as well.
  • Download – File only. Only single file at a time can be downloaded.
  • Rename – File only.
  • Delete – File and folder. While deleting a folder, it should be empty.
  • Create – Folder only.

###Uploading and Downloading large files The Gunicorn connection timeout is set to 600 seconds for sync workers. In order to upload and download files of large sizes, you can adjust the timeout value to be set at higher interval. This could be done by modifying the Dockerfile (from your local clone of the project under dist/source/backend/Dockerfile path), line#43:

ENTRYPOINT gunicorn --bind transfer_sftp_backend:app --timeout 600

Monitoring and Logging

The cloud logs are available under /ecs/sftp-ecs-logs log group. The logging convention is as follows:

Class | LogLevel | FargateTaskID(GunicornProcessID) – OperationName - Messsage

You can adjust the log level by changing the configuration in dist/source/backend/logging.conf file. In addition, you can enable Container Insights on your ECS Fargate cluster by following the steps outlined here. This will give you performance insights (CPU, Memory, Network, Storage) into your Fargate tasks. The Upload and Download operations make use of Fargate Task’s ephemeral storage. The solution also deploys a custom ECS CloudWatch metric Fargate Task Ephemeral Storage which shows the amount of ephemeral storage remaining for a given Fargate Task.

Un-install Guidelines

  1. Ensure following S3 buckets are empty.
    1. cloudfront-logs-
    2. sftp-web-ui-artifacts-
    3. sftp-web-ui-access-logs-
  2. Delete sftp-webclient-stack.
  3. Delete sftp-fargate-stack
  4. Ensure sftp-backend ECR repository in the region of deployment is deleted.
  5. Ensure Delete Protection is disabled on the Public load balancer.
  6. Delete sftp-ecs-stack.
  7. Delete all recovery points, if any, under AWS Backup -> Backup vaults -> BackupVaultWithDailyBackups-.
  8. Delete backup vault under AWS Backup -> Backup vaults -> DynamoDBBackupVaultWithDailyBackups-
  9. Delete sftp-endpoint-stack
  10. Delete sftp-cognito-stack
  11. Delete sftp-vpc-stack

Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at

or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


This solution creates a web portal for your customers to access your corporate Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) environment. It combines the benefits of using AWS Transfer for SFTP with an intuitive web browser interface for your non-technical users.




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